Monty the cyborg Monkey Nathaniel the Nano-Paramecium These pictures are concept sketches for a pitch for an anthology piece.
Year: 2009
Really there wasn’t much to it. We sat there, waiting for it to be over. I firmed up my plans for Emerald City Con and promised to send a submission for an anthology piece by Tuesday. Aside from the girl who played poker with Jesus it was a rather uneventful end to the convention.
My alarm went off at 7am. By 7:30am I finally managed to drag my carcass out of bed and plopped down in front of the computer to print out Forest Through the Trees. I came toGrabbed breakfast as they were packing it up and stole bacon off of someome’s plate.After getting my table set up … Read More “VCon Day 2” »
My alarm went off at 7am. By 7:30am I finally managed to drag my carcass out of bed and plopped down in front of the computer to print out Forest Through the Trees. I came toGrabbed breakfast as they were packing it up and stole bacon off of someome’s plate.After getting my table set up … Read More “VCon Day 2” »
I’m really not sure how to feel about today. I’m really nervous about sharing a table with someone. At least she’s a writer and I do comics, so to the average person, they are two separate things entirely. I don’t think I’ll be really settled until my booth is up and my comics are stapled.I … Read More “VCon: Day 1” »