Author: Grand Poobah
He shall be here on out known only as Crofticus The Grey.
I don’t know if anyone else has had this happen. You are out somewhere and you have to stand in line or something like that. But right beside you is someone. Not just any someone but someone who makes you go wow. Suddenly you start imagine meeting them and trying to figure out what they … Read More “A living a lifetime in a moment” »
Here is my url for my wordpress site: http://bethwagner.wordpress.com
Monty the cyborg Monkey Nathaniel the Nano-Paramecium These pictures are concept sketches for a pitch for an anthology piece.
Really there wasn’t much to it. We sat there, waiting for it to be over. I firmed up my plans for Emerald City Con and promised to send a submission for an anthology piece by Tuesday. Aside from the girl who played poker with Jesus it was a rather uneventful end to the convention.
My alarm went off at 7am. By 7:30am I finally managed to drag my carcass out of bed and plopped down in front of the computer to print out Forest Through the Trees. I came toGrabbed breakfast as they were packing it up and stole bacon off of someome’s plate.After getting my table set up … Read More “VCon Day 2” »
My alarm went off at 7am. By 7:30am I finally managed to drag my carcass out of bed and plopped down in front of the computer to print out Forest Through the Trees. I came toGrabbed breakfast as they were packing it up and stole bacon off of someome’s plate.After getting my table set up … Read More “VCon Day 2” »
I’m really not sure how to feel about today. I’m really nervous about sharing a table with someone. At least she’s a writer and I do comics, so to the average person, they are two separate things entirely. I don’t think I’ll be really settled until my booth is up and my comics are stapled.I … Read More “VCon: Day 1” »